Prometheus vs Grafana

October 01, 2021


Monitoring your applications is essential to ensure their optimal performance and stability. Monitoring tools help track the metrics of your application and alert you in case of any issues. Prometheus and Grafana are two commonly used open-source monitoring tools. However, choosing which one to use can be a daunting task. This post provides a fact-based comparison between the two tools to help you decide the best monitoring software for your needs.


Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting tool founded by SoundCloud in 2012. It specializes in monitoring time-series data, such as metrics and events. The tool collects data from designated sources and saves it in a time-series database. Analyzing the data collected, it provides valuable insights into your application's performance and stability, and alerts you in case of anomalies.

Features of Prometheus

  • Collects and stores time-series data
  • Provides multi-dimensional data analysis
  • Uses a powerful query language (PromQL) for data querying and alerting
  • Offers graphical visualization of data with Prometheus expression browser and Grafana
  • Supports service discovery
  • Has an active community offering plugins and integrations for various purposes


Grafana is an open-source analytics and monitoring platform that can be used to analyze and visualize different types of data such as metrics, logs, traces, and more. It offers a wide range of plugins and integrations with various data sources. Grafana can process data from Prometheus as well as other sources, providing a unified view of your application's performance.

Features of Grafana

  • Offers visualization tools and dashboards to help track various types of data
  • Supports a wide range of data sources
  • Offers various panels and plugins to customize and enhance data visualization
  • Provides customizable alerts, notifications, and annotations monitoring
  • Offers composable observability, meaning you can customize metrics, logs, and traces however you want
  • Has an active community contributing plugins and maintaining integrations for various data sources


Features Prometheus Grafana
Data Source integration Designed for time-series data Supports a wide range of data sources
Alerting and Notifications Efficient and responsive Offers customizable alerts and notifications
Metrics and Visualization Provides multi-dimensional data analysis and visualization with PromQL and expression browser Offers versatile visualization options including panels and plugins
Service Discovery Built-in Supports integrations
Community Active and growing, but smaller Huge and active community with wide range of integrations and plugins


Choosing the best monitoring tool can be challenging, and often boils down to the specific needs of your application. Prometheus specializes in collecting and analyzing time-series data, while Grafana offers a wide range of integrations and versatile visualization options. However, both of these open-source tools provide powerful analytics and monitoring capabilities.

Whether you need a tool for analysis, visualization, or alerting, Prometheus and Grafana stand out as powerful and popular options. We encourage you to try the tools yourself and determine which fits your application's needs the best.


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